REPRESENTATIVES from the National Market
Traders' Federation will join local market traders this Monday
(October 20) at a second meeting with Lisburn City Council. A
meeting was originally scheduled with traders at the Smithfield
Square site for last Monday to discuss proposals to cease
operating the temporary overflow market from Smithfield Square.
However, that meeting focused on the traders from Lisburn
Square, the site it is proposed those from Smithfield Square
move to.
Now two representatives from the federation
representing market traders throughout the UK will travel to
Lisburn to be present at the discussions.
Local trader Catherine Deighan, whose family
have been trading on their Fruit and Veg stall in Lisburn for
150 years, commented, "I have spoken with the Mayor, Councillor
Ronnie Crawford who asked us why we couldn't move. I told him
there aren't the facilities in Lisburn Square to facilitate us.
We are hearing so many rumours, we have heard they are talking
about moving us to the site of the Linen Centre, but we really
don't know what is going on.
"The people of Lisburn are very loyal, even
though it was raining on Tuesday, they still came out to shop
and they are all concerned.
"I wonder where am I going to be in three
months?" Catherine concluded.
John Perriton, Field Support Manager with the
NMTSF said, "This is a difficult situation that won't be easy to
resolve, I suspect. We are there to represent all members of the
NMTF of both markets, in Lisburn Square and Smithfield Square,
to come up with a solution to benefit everyone."
A spokesperson for Lisburn Council said: "Due
to the unavailability of some market traders and the Market
Traders Federation representative, another meeting is to be held
next week.
"This additional meeting will ensure all market traders will
have the opportunity to put forward their views and those
traders currently occupying the temporary market area outside
Lisburn Square will be able to discuss their proposed relocation
to the main market trading area in Lisburn Square"
Ulster Star