Deputy First
Minister for Northern Ireland Martin
McGuinness and Junior Minister
Jeffrey Donaldson speaking with
David Scott from 3 Powerinc at the
White House in Washington DC . Mr
Scott is taking part in the Northern
Ireland Investment Conference in
Belfast in May. Photo Christy Bowe
/NI Bureau.
JUSTICE and healing for all victims was among the issues
discussed by Jeffrey Donaldson on his final day in Washington
this week.
The Junior Minister met with the Director of the Office of
Victims of Crime (OVC) John Gillis, to learn of the Offices'
mission in assisting crime victims.
Mr Donaldson met Bruce Lesley, President of First Focus, an
organisation committed to making children and their families a
priority in federal policy and budget decisions, and Charles
Hiteshew, Chief Operating Officer of America's Promise Alliance,
which seeks to ensure that children experience the fundamental
resources they need to succeed.
Mr Donaldson who also took part in the St Patrick's Day
celebrations at the White House along with deputy First Minister
Martin McGuiness on Monday described his visit to Washington as
"extremely worthwhile".
"This trip to Washington has been invaluable. It has been an
excellent opportunity to meet with organisations which are
making such a positive difference to people's lives and to learn
how they are tackling certain issues," he said.
"It has been good to have had an opportunity to share our
experience of how we provide support for victims and to learn
from the US administration on the support they provide.
"As one of my chief responsibilities is to improve outcomes
for children and young people, I found it particularly
interesting to hear of the efforts being made in the US in
making the lives of children and young people a priority and I
look forward to sharing these messages with colleagues back
The OVC is a Federal Agency within the US Department of
Justice and provides funds to support victim compensation.
Jeffrey Donaldson also met with Paul Dyck, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Europe in the Department of Commerce.
Ulster Star