councillors have voiced fears some people may have been
incorrectly issued with parking tickets since the introduction
of on street charging in Lisburn.
Jonathan Craig and Paul Porter have been
contacted by a number of constituents about the issue and are
calling on anyone else who believes they have been incorrectly
issued with a parking ticket to contact the constituency office.
'A constituent received a traffic ticket for
'feeding the machine' even though the two combined tickets which
she had purchased only added up to a total of two hours -which
is the permitted parking time allowed in the area," explained Mr
"We wrote to the Roads Service asking for the
ticket to be withdrawn as it is very clear that the parking
restriction allows you to park for any two hours within a three
hour period.
"It was somewhat surprising that our first
letter received back from the Roads Service upheld the ticket
being issued and stated that this was right and proper. After a
lengthy discussion with the Roads Service, the ticket was
finally rescinded which should have been the case from the
Mr Craig went on to say : "This leaves me
wondering how many such fines have been issued in regard to
'feeding of the machines' and how many of these fines should not
have been issued. It is for this reason that I am urging anyone
who feels that they may have been issued a ticket wrongly to
contact my office and we will raise your concerns with the Road
Mr Porter, said: "The problem of receiving a
ticket for 'feeding the machines' is only one of many complaints
that constituents have brought to our attention over the last
number of weeks, leaving local shoppers wondering if parking
meters introduced to increase footfall for our local shops, or
are purely a way of raising revenue for the Roads Service.
"If you feel you have been incorrectly issued with a parking
ticket, please contact us on 9266 8378."
Ulster Star