Past and
present pupils of Pond Park
Primary School went with their
parents to Romania, to be part
of a Smiles Foundation Mission
PAST and present pupils of Pond Park Primary
School have spent a week in Romania as part of a Smiles
Foundation Mission Trip. Mark, Chris and Nicky Acheson; Jacob,
Lucy and Benjamin Mulholland along with their parents, helped
make a valuable contribution to the on-going work of the Smiles
Foundation - a Christian Charity working with poor Romanian and
Gypsy people in northern Romania.
The local group helped package food and
clothing before visiting families in the area, where they had a
chance to interact with adults and play with children.
They also spent a day at a home for abused
and neglected children.
Pond Park Primary teacher Geoffrey Cherry
commented: "Towards the end of the week the children had the
opportunity to visit Tileagd school, built and funded by the
Smiles Foundation to serve Tileagd Gypsy Village. They were
amazed to see a school open two days every week during the
summer holidays for revision, crafts and sport.
"Although quite well resourced, they noticed
many empty book shelves in the school library. Being
enthusiastic readers themselves,
the children felt it would be great to use a
gift of �300 from Pond Park Primary School to buy some Romanian
books for the library." He added: "The children experienced a
very different culture and lifestyle than the one they're
used to in Lisburn. They had the opportunity
to make a difference despite their age and have all returned
home determined to raise significant funds for the Smiles
If you would like to know more about the work of
the Smiles Foundation, become a 'Mission Tripper' yourself or
make a donation, you can find them at Ulster Star