A LISBURN family got a pleasant surprise
recently when what appeared to be a 'scam' letter turned out to
be a genuine attempt to trace them and let them know they have
been left money in the will of an Australian relative who died
over 12 years ago.
With the recent warnings about cons the
arrival of an unexpected letter from an Australian company
addressed to the dead man's sister -who herself passed away
suddenly eight years ago - set alarm bells
ringing, especially when it asked her to send
bank details so her entitlement could be forwarded directly into
her bank account.
The dead woman's daughter contacted the Star
to see if anyone else had received anything similar.
However, checks found that the company did
indeed exist and the letter was genuine. They were sorting out
the dead man's estate and were keen to distribute the money to
those who had an entitlement.
The woman's daughter said: "We felt the
letter was strange as it arrived so unexpectedly from a foreign
"It asked for her bank details, which you are
always warned to be aware of, and we just felt the whole thing
seemed very strange." In an email to the Star, Judy Will from
the Australian company said: "We are administering the Estate of
(the man) who died many years ago. The estate was finalised soon
after but since then we have received further monies that we
need to distribute to the beneficiaries."
She said that if people who were to receive
the money had passed away in the meantime, they would pass it
onto the executor for them to distribute.
And she explained that if they didn't get any
assistance they would have to conduct searches for the people
and their next of kin. "This will incur costs and will eat away
the money they could receive" Ms Will said.
"That is why I thought I would send a letter
to all the people we were in communication with on the chance
their relatives would be able to assist and thereby not incur
further costs."
Ulster Star