(I-r) Mr David Briggs, Director
of Corporate Services, Lisburn Council; Alderman
Edwin Poots; Mr Jimmy Miller, Lisburn North
Community Association; Mr Stephen Graham, Area
Manager, South East Area, NINE; Councillor Paul
Givan, Chairman of Corporate Services Committee;
Councillor Peter O'Hagan, Vice-Chairman of Corporate
Services Committee and Councillor Jonathan Craig.
AN AMBITIOUS plan to use council land for a
social housing project at Ballymacoss has taken another step
forward following a special meeting of the Corporate Services.
Lisburn City Council agreed in 2006 to sell
land at the Hill in Ballymacoss to the Housing Executive to be
used for a Social Housing project.
Now the sale has got the final green light
from the Corporate Services Committee at a special meeting. The
Chairman of the Committee, Councillor Paul Givan, welcomed the
He said: "The Council has been working with
the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the Planning Service and
Land Valuers over the last two years on this ambitious project
which is intended to bring much needed social housing for
Lisburn. "I am very pleased that people who may not have the
means to afford some of the higher house prices in the City will
have the opportunity to potentially be able to live in Lisburn
through this social housing project at Ballymacoss.
"I am sure it will be very popular, as the
demands for social housing, particularly in the Ballymacash
area, is extremely high, and I am pleased that we are playing
our part in meeting the needs of the community."
The Director of Corporate Services, Mr David
Briggs, who has overseen project, reported the final
arrangements on the land's disposal for Social Housing with
planning permission approval, to the special committee meeting.
The committee was told a formal offer for the
lands had been made by the Housing Executive on 4th July, with
management of the acquisition to be handled by a Housing
Association which is to be appointed within the current
financial year.
Mr Givan said: "Lisburn is one of Northern
Ireland's most popular places to live, as demonstrated by its
house prices, and there is always a high demand for homes in the
Lisburn area.
"I would like to thank the Council members
and the Director of Corporate Services for their hard work on
this project, and I welcome the Northern Ireland Housing
Executive's co- operation and willingness to be involved in a
project that will bring many advantages and choice for people
who want to live in Lisburn,' he said.
Ulster Star