A BALLYMENA councillor is encouraging her council to
examine the possibility of a allowing a chicken-waste incinerator to be
built in the town as an alternative to the controversial site at Glenavy.
Deirdre Nelson spoke out after the lobby group, Communities Against Lough Neagh Incinerator, who are opposed to the plan by Rose Energy to build an incinerator in Glenavy, released their independently commissioned Site Selection Survey.
The survey identified several alternative sites for the incinerator, including one at Woodside Road in Ballymena, which CALNI say would be more appropriate and economically viable for the operation.
Stating that she believed Glenavy was "the wrong place" for the incinerator, Mrs Nelson said it was important the poultry industry was given support and an alternative solution found as a matter of urgency.
"My issue with this is that it is not economically viable," said Mrs Nelson. "I have seen how determined CALNI are and I think it is time we looked at other options to see if they are feasible and could come through more quickly.
"For the sake of the poultry industry we need to start looking at other options. There are other sites, including in Ballymena, Cookstown and Ballymoney, all of which are better than Glenavy.
"This is something I would encourage our council to look at and I don't see how we can rule it out completely because it is too important.
"We need to look at this from an economic point of view and see if Ballymena can help."
Mrs Nelson's comments came in the same week that CALNI made a presentation to Lisburn City Council, outlining their strong opposition to the Rose Energy planning application.
Lisburn Councillors voiced their support for the CALNI campaign and it was agreed that a corporate letter from Lisburn City Council is sent to the Stormont Executive calling for a public tendering process to be carried out for the provision of waste management solutions for the disposal of poultry litter, to ensure that all alternatives are brought to the table and the most economic and environmentally appropriate solution prevails.
Speaking after the presentation Ray Clarke, the Chairman of CALNI said: "We are delighted that Lisburn City Council has come out so strongly in support of our opposition into the incinerator planning application."
THE Green Party has called on the Minister case with dignity and at great of the Environment to throw out a plan- personal expense, it is now time ring application for an incinerator along for both the Ministers of the shores of Lough Neagh.
Green Party Lisburn spokesperson Conor Quinn said: "CALNI has successfully argued that an incinerator, which will cost Northern Ireland tax payers £30 million, is not value for money. Residents have also proven, at their own expense, that a chicken litter incinerator will require more waste product than Northern Ireland can produce and will freeze out greener and newer technologies from entering the market." Mr. Quinn said: "It's a disgrace that a community is paying to find solutions to Northern Ireland's waste problem. Is this not the role of the Department of Agriculture?
"The people of Glenavy have fought their Environment and Agriculture to give them their day and reject this planning application."
Ulster Star