CHILDREN and young people who have overcome great
adversity have been recognised with by the South Eastern Education and
Library Board with Pupil of Courage Awards. Ryan Adams from Fort Hill
Integrated College, Scott Oswell from Tonagh Primary and Brian Kerr and
Joshua Fletcher, both Meadow Bridge Primary, received their awards from
Stanton Sloan, Chief Executive of the SEELB.
Ryan , a Year 12 pupil at Fort Hill, received one of the special awards which recognises the determination and courage shown by a pupil who has overcome serious illness or trauma, when Mr Sloan visited the school recently.
Ryan has faced many difficulties and set backs at
different level but in the last year his determination and courage saw him
receive the position of Head Boy at the school.
Mrs Marion Getty, the school's Principal said, "I am delighted for Ryan, he is a credit to all."
Scott, a former pupil at Tonagh Primary, also received a
SEELB Award for
Outstanding Achievement. A special assembly was held at the
school to celebrate Scott's achievement and he was presented with the award
by Mr Sloan. Scott received the award for overcoming many medical
difficulties whilst at primary school and participating in all aspects of
school life. Two inspirational pupils from Meadow Bridge Primary School were
also recognised by the Board for the courage. Joshua Fletcher and Brian
Kerr were among only 15 children to receive the award out of more than 60,000 in the SEELB area.
Meadow Bridge PS Principal Mr Paul Good said everyone at the school was delighted their pupils had been recognised by the Board. "We are very proud of both of these pupils," said Mr Good. They are two great lads who just want to be treated like everyone else and that is what we do.
"They are two boys who really can put the rest of us to shame very often because they just get on with life without complaining.
"They have their difficulties in life but we could all take a large leaf out of their books," he added.
Ulster Star