new dementia care centre at St Paul': Court was given a double boost
last week with visit: from not one but two government Ministers.
The new £1.3 million facility, Which offers housing for older people who can no longer live in their current accommodation, was officially opened by Social Development Minister Margaret Ritchie.
This is a welcome and much needed boost for people suffering from dementia," said Mrs Ritchie. "I am very impressed by the new accommodation and support provided. It really is state of the art, pushing the boundaries in meeting the needs of people with dementia.
Housing, Health Professionals, the Housing Executive and Praxis Care are
to be congratulated on coming up with such a pioneering design and care
package that is a winner, in every sense of the word, for some of our
most vulnerable citizens."
Health Minister, Michael McGimpsey also paid a visit to the new facility.
"With an aging population and the prevalence of dementia, developments such as St Paul's Court are most welcome as they provide necessary accommodation and care for people with dementia," he said.
"St Paul's Court highlights the progress being made in Northern Ireland. It provides a great example of what can be done to improve services, how it can be done and, most importantly, provides a place where those with dementia, and their carers, can achieve a better quality of life while remaining as independent as possible."
Ulster Star