than 100 pupils at Killowen Primary school and their parents marked
Safer Internet Day 2009 by taking part in a special event.
Microsoft Ireland lead a number of activities in Lisburn in partnership with the PSNI that form part of a host of events taking place across the UK. Schools, children's associations and youth centres are being supported by county councils, local authorities and police forces who have signed up to support activities in their areas. These include social networking workshops, online safety training with parents, debates, competitions and awareness-raising surveys.
As the local PSNI Think You Know coordinator George Ellis said: "I am delighted to welcome Chris Carry, from Microsoft Ireland, along to deliver a very important message to both pupils and parents."
Chris Carry from Microsoft, Ireland commented: "If we are able to make one pupil think twice about how they communicate with strangers online then our effort will have been worthwhile.
"Parents can help themselves to protect their children if they visit Many have already done so and registered for regular updates from CEOP. "Parents are reminded to follow a number of tips to help protect their child.
"If they want to meet someone in the real world, make sure they take you, or another trusted adult, with them. "Encourage only chat to and webcam with people they know in the real world and that they understand why they need to protect personal information."
Parents with concerns can log onto a number of web-sites such as or
Ulster Star