Big thank you from

Dunmurry High has a novel fundraiser

Dunmurry High School Year 8 pupils and top fundraisers Zoe Espie, Darren Crawford and Melissa Freeney present Rachel Burgoyne Fund Raiser for Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children with a cheque of £617. USO409-101A0 Picture By: Aidan O'Reilly

Dunmurry High School Year 8 pupils and top fundraisers Zoe Espie, Darren Crawford and Melissa Freeney present Rachel Burgoyne Fund Raiser for Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children with a cheque of £617. USO409-101A0 Picture By: Aidan O'Reilly

PUPILS in Year 8 at Dunmurry High school have raised over £600 for a local children's charity by holding a sponsored reading week. The school took part in the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children's ReadOn initiative that encourages pupils to support children living with cancer by reading a record number of their favourite books. Participation in this year's ReadOn brings the total raised by the school for the NICFC to an impressive £4,000.

Mr Barry Logan, Head of English at Dunmurry High School was delighted by the pupils' response. "This was an inspirational experience for our young people, who through their fundraising were able to empathise with children less fortunate than themselves and also gain enjoyment through reading," he said.

At the cheque presentation Rachel Burgoyne, Schools and Youth Fundraiser for the NICFC said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the school, its pupils and their families for the invaluable support they have provided to local children and teenagers who are living with cancer."

For more information about the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children or to donate money to the charity please contact Rachel on 9080 5599 or email

Ulster Star