owner of a Lisburn shoe shop has been thanked for donating around 300
pairs of shoes to people whose village in Romania was left devastated
following floods.
Mr Vance Reid gave the shoes to Faith in Action Missions. This body is involved in work in Ukraine, Belarus, and in Romania.
Mr Reid said he was only too glad to be able to help. "Having your health is more important than making money.
"These people are starving and I am healthy so I was only too pleased to do something" said the well known Lisburn retailer.
Donald Fleming, Director of Faith in Action Missions commented: "Just a few months ago the church in Suceava called us to ask for help, terrible floods had hit the area causing widespread damage.
"Houses were washed away, people lost their lives, others were left with next to nothing," he continued.
"So we sent a container full of warm clothing, shoes and tinned food".
Mr Fleming added: "We are preparing to send another container just as soon as we receive the £4000 that is needed to fund such a trip. All of our work is done through people making monetary donations."
He continued: "Vance Reid of Reids shoes has been such a great help and blessing to many people.
"He has supplied many new shoes to us for about the past six years, and all of the shoes are then sent to the needy and to the orphaned in the different countries."
Ulster Star