Emma Bailie, 34, from Crumlin is a Day Care Manager working
in mental health. She is preparing to trek along the Great Wall of China
in aid of Action Cancer later this month with her friend Leanne. On
Friday October 8 they have arranged a Dinner Dance in the Hilton Hotel,
Tickets are priced at £50 which includes a four course meal, wine on
arrival and a live band. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Emma and
Leanne 07521194842 or Greatwal12010@hotmail.co.uk
What do you like doing on your day off?
At the moment I've been spending my days off with my pal Leanne, climbing
the Mourne mountains as training for our Great Wall of China Trek in aid of
Action Cancer in October.
If you were to choose your favorite meal what would it be, where
and why?
It would have to be a good chicken tikka madras, nice and spicy. No place in
particular and because I love spicy food..
What has been your proudest moment?
Fundraising many years ago for the hematology ward in the Royal
Hospital. The money I raised bought a machine that was used to assist
patients in the ward. These were expensive at the time and was so good to
see what the fundraising money was spent on as sometimes it doesn't always
go to those directly that need it. Jumping out of a plane 13,000ft was also
a proud moment as I'm afraid of heights. The money raised went to the renal
unit in Antrim Area Hospital.
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
Watching my granddad battle with cancer. It was devastating.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
I would love to be more eccentric. I love 70's fashion - flares all
the way.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
Firstly I would buy a house beside a river to aid my boyfriend's
fishing obsession, make sure that my close friends and family were looked
after then do something for the people I work with in mental health or for
an animal charity.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Most aren't available for print. I did faint in school only to wake
up in the arms of an old school teacher with a heart problem - he could
barely lift me and I used to get called olive oil then, hardly heavy, very
What music do you like?
I love early 90's dance music! 60's & 70's, ska, reggae, drum &
bass. Usually a real mixture of music apart from heavy metal and country
What sports person do you most admire?
Probably Lance Armstrong after winning the Tour de France after his
battle with cancer - what a guy.
Describe your best ever holiday. What would your dream holiday be? Probably
when my boyfriend and I went to Australia, we travelled from Sydney to
Cairns stopping off at various places during the two week trip. The scenery
was spectacular. My dream holiday would be a secluded villa with pool
overlooking the ocean with my closest friends, wining and dining the days
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
Do overseas volunteering, explore the 7 wonders of the world, help
ban cosmetic testing on animals and write a book.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would
you want with you?
Mascara, a pina colada maker and my boyfriend
Favourite things
Ulster Star