Gemma Cheung, 25, originally from Moira moved to
Dubai to become part of the Emirates Cabin Crew. She then moved to
Bahrain for a year and now divides her time between Bahrain and Dubai.
The ex-gymnast now works as model and has reached the finals of the
Bahrain's Top Model competition.
What do you like doing on your day off?
Mainly on my days off I either shop or sun bathe.
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it
My favourite food is definitely Paella. I became a fan at a very young age
while I was holidaying in Spain. There is a restaurant in Dubai called More
café which is my current favourite place to eat.
What has been your proudest moment?
Getting selected for the Elite squad to Train for the Commonwealth Games
when I was a gymnast.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
I vary from glamorous to borderline Hippie style.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
Take all my close friends and family on an extravagant all expenses paid
holiday and celebrate. Then I would open a clothes boutique to keep myself
busy a few days a week.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Probably when I was a kid and I was in Romania doing gymnastics getting
interviewed live on TV and when asked how come I do not look Irish, I
responded because one of my Dads is Chinese - instead of one of my parents
is Chinese.
What music do you like?
Ranges from pop to House.
What sports person do you most admire?
Nadia Comaneci, she set the standard in Gymnastics.
Describe your best ever holiday.
My best holiday ever was probably the first
time I ever went to Ibiza. I think it was because I was still young at the
time and never been away with just my friends, everything was very new to me
and I guess that made me enjoy and remember it even more. These days my
dream holiday would be to go on a road trip through America then onto
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
To be successful in what I choose to do and succeed career wise and be able
to live carelessly.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you
Paris Hilton.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things
would you want with you?
My laptop, and Internet dongle so I could check my emails and one of my
close friends.
Favourite things
Car | Merc SLK |
Film | Dirty Dancing |
CD | Susan Boyles album at the moment |
Book | A Thousand Splendid Suns |
Actor | Jude Law |
Actress | Sandra Bullock |
Drink | Corona |
Ulster Star