Mark Armstrong, 22, from Carryduff is a Journalism
student at Belfast Metropolitan College and was at the Star training
recently. He has a joint honours degree in Ancient History and
Archaeology. He plays guitar, loves going to the cinema and gym and
likes to climb.
What do you like doing on your day off?
I sleep in until about 10am, go to the gym with a friend, return home for
lunch and a shower, play my guitar or Playstation until dinner, go to the
cinema after dinner and then either go back to a friend's house.
Choose your favourite meal
Steak, prawns and noodles from Teppan Edo, a Japanese restaurant in Orlando.
I chose this restaurant as the food is perfect, the waitresses treat you
like royalty and your chef puts on a show by performing tricks such as
juggling his knives.
What has been your proudest moment?
Passing my driving test, on the sixth attempt.
What was the most frightening moment?
When I was about four or five I woke up in the middle of the night under my
bed sheets and quilt and was unable to find the way out.
Describe your taste in clothes
Skater meets surfer. My favourite brands are Hollister hoodies, Quiksilver
loose-fit jeans, Etnies, DC or Vans shoes and any brand of t-shirt.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
Buy a house, a custom Fender Telecaster guitar, an Aston Martin DB9, a
custom Ibanez 8-string guitar, a Ford Mustang Shelby GT500, and a Lowden
acoustic guitar. I would then go on holiday to everywhere I have ever wanted
to visit (if I had any money left).
Most embarrassing moment?
I spent the weekend in Castlewellan Castle when I was 16 with a group of
about 100 people. Just before leaving, my friends and I were running and
jumping over a wall with about a 5ft drop on the other side. When I jumped
the wall and on the way down my brother somehow managed to grab the strap of
my underwear. This stopped me dead in mid-air where he continued to shake me
until my weight caused the strap and consequently my boxer shorts to rip
right off.
What music do you like?
I like most music genres and would listen to anything from a
singer/songwriter with an acoustic guitar to Heavy Metal. My favourite is
Metal but more specifically Hardcore or Metalcore.
What sports person do you most admire?
Bob Burnquist, Ronnie Coleman or Usain Bolt.
Describe your best ever holiday
Three weeks in Orlando with my brother and parents. The weather was perfect,
the theme parks were great, the shopping was cheap and the food was the best
I have ever tasted.
What is your greatest ambition?
To be a professional musician, a Top Gear presenter. Realistically I have
always wanted to be an author of historical fiction.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you
Arnold Schwarzenegger
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things
would you want with you?
A fully fuelled plane, the ability to fly a plane and a runway.
Favourite things
Car Aston Martin DB9
Film Commando
Comedian Frankie Boyle
CD Define the Great Line
Book The Eagles series by Simon Scarrow
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Actress Jane Lynch or Tina Fey
Ulster Star