Rachel Hynds, 17, from Hillsborough spent a week on work experience
at the Star. The Wallace High student studies English Literature,
Business Studies and Moving Image Arts and is interested in seeing what
life as a journalist is like.
What do you like doing on your day off?
Lying in bed most of the day to be honest, but I'll probably go shopping or
do something with my friends.
If you had to choose your favourite meal what would it
be, where and why?
It would have to be home made pancakes because they're amazing.
What has been your proudest moment?
Probably passing my GCSEs.
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
I made the mistake of watching a scary movie on Christmas Eve and was
convinced the creepy worm things were coming after me - it was bad times.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
I like wearing Topshop / Miss Selfidge kind of stuff.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
I'd give some to charity and I reckon I might buy a car or something.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
So many to choose from. I'll say literally running into my friend's car.
What music do you like?
I like random bands like The Kooks, and Jimmy Eat World.
What sports person do you admire?
Formula 1 world champion Jensen Button
Describe your best holiday. What would your dream holiday
My best holiday was Paris a few years ago. My dream holiday would be
somewhere with lots of shops, sun and sand.
What is your greatest ambition?
To get the grades I want for university probably, so I can get on a good
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you
It would definitely be 0lly Murs from X-Factor.
If you where stranded on a desert island what three
things would you want with you?
I would want to bring friends with me...and clothes and makeup.
Favourite things
Car: Red Punto
Film: Alice and wonderland
Comedian: Russell Howard
CD: Lungs by Florence and the Machine or Dreaming Out Loud by Onerepublic
Book: Where Rainbows End, Cecelia Ahern
Actor: Johny Depp
Actress: Kate Hudson
Drink: Diet Coke.
Ulster Star