Sarah Hirsk, 31, lives in Dromore and is a
travelling Massage Therapist, a Personal Trainer- and also a Fitness
Instructor, specialising in Zumba Fitness classes which are a really
easy to follow, Latin-based, fun way to dance yourself into shape.
She teaches in a variety of locations including Lisburn,
Hillsborough and Banbridge and you can view the class timetable at
What do you like doing on your day off?
Going for a big walk all wrapped up in the rain-preferably by the
sea or shopping.
If you were - to choose your favourite meal what
would it be, where and why?
I like to eat a healthy balanced diet, but every once in a while, I
love nothing more than a Fish and Chip sitting by the sea.
What has been your proudest moment?
Giving birth to my baby daughter.
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
When my newborn daughter wouldn't breathe. It was terrifying. I've
since been told it's fairly common, but seeing all the staff. rushing
into the room and placing the tiniest oxygen mask I'd ever seen over
her face was traumatizing and that image will never leave me.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
Eclectic, a real mix - one day I'll dress with a punky edge and on
another I might go seriously retro with a strong 40's vintage feel.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
I'd take my whole extended family on a once in a lifetime holiday.
I'd build my dream house and I'd buy a small property on a little
Greek island. I'd also put a huge chunk away for my parents
retirement and my own and I would definitely give a decent chunk to
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I regularly embarrassed myself as a kid and teen - and still do. I
really don't think there is one time that stands out from the rest.
What music do you like?
Foo Fighters, U2, Beyonce, Del Amitri, RnB, Motown, Fats Domino,
Colbie Caillat, Basement Jaxx and Latin American Music.
What sports person do you most admire?
Randy 'The Natural' Couture- UFC Fighter.
Describe your best ever holiday. What would your
dream holiday be?
New York - everything was amazing, from the food, to the people, to
the sights and the general buzz. I loved it. My dream holiday would
be a bit of a world tour. I'd like a few months and destinations
would include Tokyo, Hawaii, Australia, Sudan, New Zealand, New
York, Moscow, Dubai, Iceland, Norway and Alaska. I'm desperate to
see the world.
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
One of them is to do a charity walk/run/cycle/climb across a huge
distance in some far-off place- China or Nepal perhaps.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would
you choose?
Angelina Jolie. I'd like go with her to do charity work In the
developing countries.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three
things would you want with you?
My bed, insect repellent and a mobile phone with good coverage.
Ulster Star