A CHANCE encounter between two former Crumlin work
colleagues in Australia goes to show how small the world really is. Paul
Hamill, originally from the Belsize Road area of Lisburn, now lives in Perth
working as an Engineering Consultant. He has been living Down under with his
wife Angela for two years.
On a recent recent trip to Sydney with his wife, Paul was standing outside the Sydney Opera House when he heard his name being called out by a familiar voice.
When Paul turned to see who was calling after him, he spotted an old work mate, Ryan McClenaghan approaching. The men had both worked for Langford Lodge Engineering in Crumlin several years ago and had been good friends.
Speaking about the chance encounter Paul said: "It turns out Ryan now lives on Bondi Beach after coming to Australia on a backpacking holiday. He has now been here for four years and is employed as a sales engineer. It was a remarkable coincidence and lucky that I had my Ulster shirt on, which Ryan picked out in the crowd " He added: "I currently live in Perth, Western Australia, working as a Engineering Consultant for Hatch Associates, and have been in Australia for two years now. I had been working in
Brisbane and had used this opportunity to take a weekend break in Sydney.
"Ryan it turns out travels to Perth on business regularly, and similarly I am on the east coast from time to time so we will now have more chances to catch up," added Paul.
*Have you ever had a chance encounter like this ? If so contact Jenny Monroe at the Star 926791II or email jenny.monroe@ulsterstar.co.uk
Ulster Star