DUNMURRY Neighbourhood Policing Team have won a top award
at the annual Policing with the Community awards.
This showcase event, developed by the Police Service in partnership with the Northern Ireland Policing Board, is designed to recognise and honour the commitment of officers and police staff.
The Dunmurry team won the Neighbourhood Policing Team of the Year title for their work in enhancing community relations in the Dunmurry area.
The team identified local crime hot spots and provided visible police patrols to address issues which were impacting on the community's quality of life. Working alongside Colin Safer Neighbourhood, Colin Neighbourhood Project and community representatives from Dunmurry, Seymour Hill and Milltown, every weekend members of the team deterred large crowds of youths who were involved in anti-social behaviour and actively tackled the issue of underage drinking.
This partnership, coupled with working relationships developed with Community Restorative Justice Northern Ireland and Good Morning Colin Project has been judged successful in creating a safer environment.
Dunmurry Neighbourhood Policing Team also work with Lisburn City Council, the Department for Regional Development and the Housing Executive to find solutions to problems that fall outside the police remit. Inspector Mark Robinson praised his team for all their hard work over the years and thanked the local community for their invaluable support.
"We were very humbled and very pleased to win such a prestigious award," he said. "I would like to pay tribute to my Neighbourhood team, Sergeant Brannigan and Sergeant Green, as well as all the Neighbourhood Constables, for all their outstanding professional work over the years."
Mr Robinson also thanked representatives from the Dunmurry community for their support of the team. "We could not have done this without their support," he said.
"I would like to thank Billy Thompson from Dunmurry Community Association, Mark Black from Seymour Hill and Conway Residents Association, Councillor Margaret Tolerton, Michael George and Annie Armstrong from Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, Steve Maginness from Colin Safer Neighbourhood and Councillor Arder Carson."
Councillor Carson, Chairman of Lisburn District Policing Partnership, congratulated the Dunmurry Team on its success. "Dunmurry Neighbourhood Policing Team, led by Inspector Mark Robinson, has contributed to improving community safety in the Dunmurry area," said Mr Carson. "The team strives to deliver a civic policing service for all the people of Dunmurry, based on partnership working and understanding the needs of the local community.
"Through discussions and negotiations between local community representatives and senior police personnel, Dunmurry now provides a Neighbourhood Policing Team service at the right time, in the right place and with an appropriate complement of Officers."
Ulster Star