people are being urged to dig deep into their pockets and support a
fundraising night at the Fiddler's Inn in Crumlin which will raise money for
the children's cancer ward at the Royal Victoria Hospital.
Florence Faulkner from Orchard Hill has spent the last 13 years raising thousands of pounds for the ward as well as raising funds for the NSPCC and Children's Hospice and is hoping this year's event will again get great support.
Florence was inspired to start fundraising following the sad death of her four-year-old nephew Thomas Vance from leukaemia.
She was so grateful for the care and attention he received while he was in the children's cancer ward that she has spent years organising fundraising events to raise much needed funds for the hospital.
Last year she raised £1,750 for the children's ward and in 2008 £1,500.
Much of the money has gone into buying cot sheets and duvets for the ward while other items have been purchased to make the parents' rooms more comfortable.
Florence's brother James Hanlon also died of cancer as did her mother who passed away six years ago from bowel cancer.
Speaking of her fundraising efforts Florence said: "Every year I do various events such as sponsored walks and country nights to raise money.
"This year I am holding a dance where the Chevys will be playing in the Fiddler's Inn, Main Street in Crumlin on July 30. Admission will be £7 and all the money will be in aid of children's cancer ward at the Royal Victoria Hospital."
Ulster Star