HILLSBOROUGH will be buzzing next month when BBC Breakfast presenter Bill
Turnbull arrives to take part in the Institute of Northern Ireland
Beekeepers 9th Annual Conference and Honey Show on Saturday 6th November.
Bill is the President of INIB and will be opening and closing the conference as well as regaling the audience with more tales from his recently published book - The Bad Beekeeper. Bill has promised to wear a waistcoat presented to him as last year's event in Hillsborough.
A full day of interesting talks by a wide range of speakers for novice, beginner and experienced beekeepers is planned for the conference.
Kim Flotum, from Ohio, USA, a renowned author and editor of Bee Culture magazine will be coming direct from the National Honey Show in England. Kim's book `The Backyard Beekeeper' has sold over 50,000 copies.
Kim's subjects this year are Keeping Your Bees Healthy Wealthy & Wise Without Using Chemicals and Sell More Honey for Money.
Claire Waring, Editor of Beecraft, The Monthly Magazine for Beekeepers,
Malcolm Blake of
Somerset Beekeepers, Philip Gardiner of Varroa Guard and Senior Bee
Inspector, DARD, Thomas Williamson will all be giving talks.
The Honey show attracts a wide range of exhibits from all over Northern Ireland and will have the best of this year's honey, local mead, honey cakes, beekeeping photographs, and much more, all judged by qualified INIB Honey Judges.
Michael Young, INIB Chairman, said: "This year's conference has something for everyone in the beekeeping world in Northern Ireland and is open to anyone interested in the many aspects of beekeeping. We are delighted to welcome back our President Bill Turnbull, who is an active beekeeper and a great supporter of 1NIB."
The INIB BeeKeeper of the Year will also be named during the conference.
The cost of the day in The Village Centre is £20 for INIB members, £25 for non members and includes breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments. The Honey Show is open to the public from 2.00pm to 4.00pm - admission £5.
The Institute has over 100 members and is affiliated to The British Beekeepers Association which has in excess of 50,000 members throughout the UK
For further information on becoming a member or the conference and honey show, you can visit
Ulster Star